
How to Use Coconut Oil on Your Hair and Skin

发表时间:2024-12-16 10:51

Using coconut oil is a wonderful natural way to make your hair and skin soft, radiant, and healthy. Coconut oil is natural

and contains no harmful chemicals. Toss out your deep conditioners, undereye creams, and lotionsyou don't need them

anymore! A jar of unrefined coconut oil is an allpurpose moisturizer great for all skin and hair variations. If you want to

learn how to use coconut oil on your hair and skin, keep reading.


Conditioning Your Hair

  1. Step 1 Put on old clothes.
    Coconut oil can get a little drippy, so put on an old t-shirt or drape a towel around your shoulders to prevent it from getting on your nice clothes. It's best to start the conditioning treatment in your bathroom, but you'll be able to move around while you let it soak into your hair for a few hours.

  2. Step 2 Choose a covering for your hair.
    You can use a plastic shower cap, a large sheet of plastic wrap, or a second old t-shirt to wrap up your hair. Choose something you'll be able to keep in place for several hours, or even overnight.

  3. Step 3 Measure 3 - 5 tablespoons of coconut oil into a bowl.
    The amount of coconut oil you'll need depends on the length and thickness of your hair. If you have long, thick hair, use 5; if your hair is shorter and thinner, you only need 3 or 4.
    • Use unrefined, cold pressed (not refined or solvent extracted). Refined coconut oil has additives and is put through processes that remove some of the natural compounds that make it so healthy for your hair and skin. Unrefined coconut oil is complete in its natural, healthy goodness. Similarly, solvent extracted oil usually contains traces of the hazardous hexane solvent.

    • Make sure not to use too much; focus the oil on the middle section and bottom of your hair. If too much is used, especially near the scalp, this can cause the hair to look greasy even when washed out thoroughly. Your hair produces its own natural oils that come from the scalp.

  4. Step 4 Warm up the coconut oil.
    Avoid the microwave oven as it can destroy the bio-active compounds.
    • You can melt coconut oil with your hands. Melt one tablespoon at a time by holding it between your palms and gently rubbing them together. Coconut oil melts with very little heat.

    • Heat a small saucepan or bowl on the stove. Remove from flame and pour the oil into the bowl. Let it melt and get warm.

    • You can also heat up coconut oil on the stove. Scoop it into a small saucepan and heat it up over low heat until it has just melted.

    • You can also heat up coconut oil by running the jar under hot water in a sink until it melts which will only take a few seconds.

    Courtney Foster
    Courtney Foster
    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Expert Trick: Mix the coconut oil with other nourishing oils to deep-condition your hair. Coconut oil works best when you use it as a carrier oil. For instance, you might make a deep conditioner out of coconut oil, olive oil, black seed oil, and rosemary oil.

  5. Step 5 Rub the coconut oil into your hair.
    Pour the coconut oil into your hand and then start applying it to the ends of your hair first. Use your fingers to massage it in and smooth it down your hair shaft all the way to the strands. Avoid applying the oil to your scalp. Continue massaging it into your hair until your hair is completely drenched in coconut oil.
    • You can use a comb to help you distribute the oil evenly. Pull it down from your roots to your tips.

    • You may just want to condition the ends of your hair, rather than the roots.[3] If that's the case, apply the coconut oil to the ends of your hair instead of pouring it over your scalp. Massage it in with your hands.

    • If you have fine hair, then only apply the oil to the tips of your hair.

  6. Step 6 Pile your hair on your head and cover it.
    Place your shower cap, plastic wrap, or old t-shirt over your head and wrap it up so that your hair is completely covered.
    • You can secure your hair with a loose hair band to help it all stay wrapped up on top of your head.

    • Use a towel to wipe away drips that might have gotten on your face during the wrapping process.

    • For fine hair, wrap your hair before piling it on your head to avoid getting the oil on your roots.

  7. Step 7 Wait at least 2 hours or overnight.
    The longer you keep it in your hair, the more conditioned your hair will be. Wait as long as you can manage for best effect.

  8. Step 8 Remove the wrapping and wash your hair.
    Use a sulfate-free shampoo to wash out the coconut oil. Wash it two or three times, until your hair no longer feels oily.
    Courtney Foster
    Courtney Foster
    Licensed Cosmetologist

    Be sure to wash the oil out thoroughly. Coconut oil is hydrating, but because it solidifies at room temperature, the oil will dry out on the hair strand. If you don't rinse it out, that dried oil will tend to cause breakage.

  9. Step 9 Let your hair dry.
    Let it air dry or blow it dry to see the effects of the conditioning treatment. It should be soft, shiny and gleaming after this special coconut oil application.


Hydrating Your Face

  1. Step 1 Perform your normal face cleansing routine.
    Whether you lightly splash your face with water, exfoliate it with a brush, or use the oil cleansing method, go ahead and wash your face. Pat it dry with a soft towel, making sure not to pull at your skin your facial skin is fragile, and a lot of pulling and tugging can cause damage.

  2. Step 2 Rub a little coconut oil around your eyes.
    Coconut oil is a wonderful undereye cream. It helps moisturize that paper-thin skin, improving dark circles and keeping wrinkles at bay. Use your fingertip to pat—don't rub—a tiny amount under your eyes, focusing on areas that have wrinkles. Then, gently run your finger along your undereye area to distribute the oil.
    • You probably only need a pea-sized amount for each eye. Take care not to use too much.

    • Avoid getting the coconut oil in your eyes. It will thinly coat your eyes, making your vision blurry for a little while!

  3. Step 3 Apply coconut oil sparingly to other dry areas.
    If you tend to get a very dry patch between your eyebrows, at your temples, or in another spot, apply a small amount of coconut oil there. Rub it in gently using a circular motion.

  4. Step 4 Rub coconut oil on your lips.
    [6] As a treatment or raw. Unrefined coconut oil will soften and moisturize chapped lips. It's completely edible, so there's no need to worry about ingesting a little. In fact, eating coconut oil is great for your health. If you want to make a sugar scrub, combine 1 part brown sugar, 1 part
    coconut oil, and 1 part honey. Mix and apply to lips. Remove excess.

  5. Step 5 Use coconut oil as a face cream.
    If you have dry skin, then you might consider applying coconut oil as a face cream. However, do not apply oil before applying makeup because it will affect the look of
    your makeup. Put it on after a shower or after washing your face. Let it absorb into your skin for 10 minutes before applying makeup. You only need about a dime-sized amount to cover your whole face.
    • Some people experience breakouts when they use coconut oil all over. Experiment by using coconut oil on just one patch of skin for a few days. If you like the effect and see no signs of the breakout, use it all over.

    • You can use coconut oil for the oil cleansing method, too. Again, be careful if your pores are prone to get clogged. You can cut coconut oil with castor oil if you're worried it will be too rich for your skin.


Moisturizing Your Body

  1. Step 1 Apply coconut oil after you've bathed.
    When your skin is still warm and supple from your bath or shower, the coconut oil will be more readily absorbed.

  2. Step 2 Moisturize your arms with a tablespoon of coconut oil.
    Scoop out a tablespoon and place it on your arm. Start at your elbows and work the oil all over your arms. Use your opposite hand to rub it in until the coconut oil has melted over your skin. Smooth it on evenly and keep rubbing until it's all gone. Repeat with the other arm.

  3. Step 3 Moisturize your legs with two tablespoons of coconut oil.
    Scoop out two tablespoons and rub them into your thigh, knee area, lower leg, and foot. Keep rubbing until the scoops have melted into your skin. Repeat with the other leg.

  4. Step 4 Use another tablespoon to moisturize your torso.
    Rub it over your back, buttocks, stomach, breasts, and anywhere else you'd like to moisturize. You can use coconut oil just as you would any other lotion.

  5. Step 5 Let the coconut oil get absorbed.
    It might take about 15 minutes for the oil to completely get absorbed into your skin. In the meantime, hang out in your bathroom or put on a bathrobe so you don't get oil on your nice clothes or furniture.

  6. Step 6 Do a bathwater soak.
    Place about an ounce (shot glass) full of coconut oil in the warm almost hot bath and swish it around the tub to dissolve it. Then soak for a while. Do this for a few weeks about once or twice a week, until you notice your skin is no longer so dry.


Using Coconut Oil in Other Ways

  1. Step 1 Use coconut oil...
    Use coconut oil as massage oil. You can scent coconut oil with a few drops of essential oil like lavender or rose, then rub it all over yourself or your partner for a sensual homemade massage oil.

  2. Step 2 Use coconut oil to  smooth flyaways.
    Rub a pea-sized amount of coconut oil between your hands and smooth it over your hair to get rid of pesky flyaways and frizz.

  3. Step 3 Apply coconut oil to  reduce the appearance of scars.
    Rub a liberal amount of coconut oil over your scar. Repeat twice daily. Over time you'll see the scar reduce in size and blend in with your skin.

  4. Step 4 Try coconut oil...
    Try coconut oil for treating eczema. Rub coconut oil over dry, inflamed patches of skin to soothe the itchiness and moisturize the area.

  5. Step 5 Use coconut oil...
    Use coconut oil to make hair silky. Pour a little coconut oil in a bowl. Heat it to warm to oil stage, then cools it.
    • Take a little amount of in your hand.

    • Apply it to your scalp. Massage it and tie your hair up.

    • Do this process at night and morning wash your hair. Your hair will become silky and strong.

  6. Step 6 Use coconut oil as a cuticle oil.
    Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Apply coconut oil to cuticles. A pea size amount is enough per hand. Rub into cuticles until fully absorbed.

  7. Step 7 Mix it with dried curry leaves, neem leaves and hibiscus flowers.
    Heat the coconut oil and ingredients. Allow to cool to room temperature, then apply on the hair scalp by using cotton balls. Give it a light massage and leave in overnight. The next morning, shampoo it. Your hair will be wonderfully shiny and soft.

  8. Step 8 Remove makeup with coconut oil.
    It acts kind of like a cold cream; just rub it on your face, leave it for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a cloth or tissue and wash your face as normal. Sometimes it works better than those makeup wipes on stubborn eyeliner and mascara.

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